Blue Flying Feathers Fall  2024 oil on panel 36h x 24w inches

Blue Flying Feathers Fall
oil on panel
36h x 24w inches

  I Lie Still Awake,   2024   oil on panel 24h x 18w inches

I Lie Still Awake,
oil on panel
24h x 18w inches

 Look Up to See 2024 oil on panel 48h x 36w inches

Look Up to See
oil on panel
48h x 36w inches

  Jump to Feel Their Arms  2024 oil on panel 36h x 24w inches

Jump to Feel Their Arms
oil on panel
36h x 24w inches

  Feet light as feathers  2024 oil on panel 12h x 9w inches

Feet light as feathers
oil on panel
12h x 9w inches

  I’m Flying When You Kiss Me  2024 oil on cement (fresco) 10h x 12w inches

I’m Flying When You Kiss Me
oil on cement (fresco)
10h x 12w inches

  I’m Flying When We Laugh  2024 oil on cement (fresco) 12 x 10”

I’m Flying When We Laugh
oil on cement (fresco)
12 x 10”

  Holding to the Air  2024 oil on panel 30h x 24w inches

Holding to the Air
oil on panel
30h x 24w inches

 See the Blue Bird Rising 2024 oil on panel 30h x 24w inches

See the Blue Bird Rising
oil on panel
30h x 24w inches

  I am the Blue Bird  2024  oil on panel 40h x 30w inches

I am the Blue Bird
oil on panel
40h x 30w inches

  Rising No. 1  2024 oil on cement (fresco) 60h x 9.50w inches

Rising No. 1
oil on cement (fresco)
60h x 9.50w inches

  BlueBird 1  2024 oil on cement (fresco) 49h x 17w inches

BlueBird 1
oil on cement (fresco)
49h x 17w inches

  BlueBird 2  2024 oil on cement (fresco) 47h x 26w inches

BlueBird 2
oil on cement (fresco)
47h x 26w inches

 BlueBird 3 2024 oil on cement (fresco) 43h x 26.50w in

BlueBird 3
oil on cement (fresco)
43h x 26.50w in

  We Looking Up at You  2024 oil on cement (fresco) 20h x 24w inches

We Looking Up at You
oil on cement (fresco)
20h x 24w inches

  Blue Flying Feathers Fall  2024 oil on panel 36h x 24w inches
  I Lie Still Awake,   2024   oil on panel 24h x 18w inches
 Look Up to See 2024 oil on panel 48h x 36w inches
  Jump to Feel Their Arms  2024 oil on panel 36h x 24w inches
  Feet light as feathers  2024 oil on panel 12h x 9w inches
  I’m Flying When You Kiss Me  2024 oil on cement (fresco) 10h x 12w inches
  I’m Flying When We Laugh  2024 oil on cement (fresco) 12 x 10”
  Holding to the Air  2024 oil on panel 30h x 24w inches
 See the Blue Bird Rising 2024 oil on panel 30h x 24w inches
  I am the Blue Bird  2024  oil on panel 40h x 30w inches
  Rising No. 1  2024 oil on cement (fresco) 60h x 9.50w inches
  BlueBird 1  2024 oil on cement (fresco) 49h x 17w inches
  BlueBird 2  2024 oil on cement (fresco) 47h x 26w inches
 BlueBird 3 2024 oil on cement (fresco) 43h x 26.50w in
  We Looking Up at You  2024 oil on cement (fresco) 20h x 24w inches

Blue Flying Feathers Fall
oil on panel
36h x 24w inches

I Lie Still Awake,
oil on panel
24h x 18w inches

Look Up to See
oil on panel
48h x 36w inches

Jump to Feel Their Arms
oil on panel
36h x 24w inches

Feet light as feathers
oil on panel
12h x 9w inches

I’m Flying When You Kiss Me
oil on cement (fresco)
10h x 12w inches

I’m Flying When We Laugh
oil on cement (fresco)
12 x 10”

Holding to the Air
oil on panel
30h x 24w inches

See the Blue Bird Rising
oil on panel
30h x 24w inches

I am the Blue Bird
oil on panel
40h x 30w inches

Rising No. 1
oil on cement (fresco)
60h x 9.50w inches

BlueBird 1
oil on cement (fresco)
49h x 17w inches

BlueBird 2
oil on cement (fresco)
47h x 26w inches

BlueBird 3
oil on cement (fresco)
43h x 26.50w in

We Looking Up at You
oil on cement (fresco)
20h x 24w inches

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